So the check-up went pretty well. We discussed the side effects I have been dealing with, was told that I could have a prescription cream for the face reaction I have been getting but I didn't think it was necessary as it doesn't bother me, just looks horrible. We are going to up the pre-chemo meds to help with the nausea I experience afterwards for a few days. The last couple days I have also had a dry cough in the mornings and some shortness of breath while doing things like walking up hills so we also did a chest x-ray as a precaution, although my lungs sounded fine.
So my afternoon was 4 waiting rooms for all my different appointments, as I had to do blood work today as well!
So if anything comes up on the x-ray I will get a call tomorrow, if not we proceed with my next chemo on Thursday... the bad one :(
I found the perfect shirt while cruising the web one day, really wish I had one of these:
Says it all dont you think!!
I understand more about doctor appointment online. Thanks for sharing this valuable information.