I will start off with the G-CSF shots... not horrible, but not nice by any means. The shots themselves hurt 2/4 days. We experimented with different parts of the body and the spot that was virtually pain free was the stomach. My poor stomach. I had 2 doses of the G-CSF so that meant 3 shots to the belly on those days... its bruised pretty bad to say the least. The bone pain wasn't too bad for me, Claritin did not help. I had a dull ache in my lower back, and sometimes if I moved too fast I would get shooting pains up through my back but it subsided quickly thankfully. So all in all not too bad of an experience.
So that will bring us to Monday when I go in for my Tri-fusion line insertion. I hadn't been told much about it to start off with, so imagine my surprise when I get there and they tell me I need an IV. I completely broke down. As we all know by now I have no veins which is why I was getting the line in to start with. So they try to console me and tell me they are experts, not to worry. I have heard that line before so I was not reassured. So the nurse comes in and beats the crap out of my hand. I am glad they are able to use a small IV as any bigger veins are completely gone. The nurse gets the IV in my hand the first time. Thankfully. So going in I am told they give me a sedative and fentanyl for the pain, and there's a good chance I will be loopy and not remember the procedure. Sounded good to me. After the problems with the PICC line going in I would rather not remember any of this. But do you realize what happens when you are mentally freaked out... the drugs don't work too well... I was very coherent for the whole procedure... which sucked because as usual with me it wasn't just a straight forward procedure. Needless to say anytime I felt any twinge of pain I was asking for more fentanyl, which they gave me, but I ended up having a LOT more than they usually use... oh well... It wasn't major complications they were running into, but with the Tri-fusion line the tubing is thicker and stronger and therefore not as flexible as they are used to with a normal Hickman line so it took a bit more to get it in place. But they got it, and unfortunately I remember the whole thing... its not pleasant to feel them tunneling under the skin for the tube I tell ya, nor is the fact I can feel the tube under my skin if I run my hands over it too pleasant either, but it is worth it for how easy it made yesterday.
So this takes me to yesterday, stem cell collection day...
Here I am all hooked up with the blood flowing out of one lumen, through the machine, and back into my body through another lumen. (I have 3 lumens, hence the name tri-fusion).
here is the cell separator machine
So I lay in the bed for about 6 hours while the machine does its job and I watch tv, not too bad of a day but it makes it kind of long when you can't do anything but lay there. So after the 6 hours they take a sample and send it to the lab and tell me to come back in 2 hours for results. The doctor who saw me in the morning was optimistic we might get all the cells in one day based on my counts in the morning, my age, and the lack on chemo I have had previously. Well he was right. I go back for my results and they tell me I am good to go!! Woohoo... hence why I have some unexpected downtime today.
So today I get to pop over for a quick dressing change as my incision to my line still likes to bleed a little (I can never be straightforward now can I, lol), then a Dr.s appointment in the afternoon. Tomorrow we have another dressing change set up Friday just in case I don't get admitted. I wont find out till lunchtime Friday if I go in, so its all very last minute. So for today I will enjoy time with my hubby, some sunshine if it pops through, and not having to spend another 6 hours in the hospital. Just wish I could be with my kids too!
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