Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 1 of getting ready for battle

So I have decided that since it looks like I have at the very least 4 weeks, most likely 6-8 before anything happens, I can going to prepare my body as much as I can for this next battle. I have started back at the gym to try and bulk up some muscle, and going to try to eat as healthy as I can to get my body in the best shape it can be for the treatments that will follow.

I have also started a squat challenge with a few facebook friends to add to the gym routine. Today was 50 squats!

At the gym I did my squats, some weights, 15 minutes on the bike and 20 minutes on the treadmill. Not bad for the first day back in a few months!

I have also been thinking of what I might do to my hair this time. If you look in the past posts you can see I went with a very colorful mohawk. I really love my hair this time around so I am finding it hard to deal with the fact I will be losing my new found curls. Might just add some funky color and keep the curls as long as I can!

Going to miss my new found curls

Well thats the plan, for now... trying not to overthink things right now but its tough. Its even tougher that my main support system, my hubby, is so far away right now... just wish he could be here everynight with me...

Friday, April 26, 2013

Life sure know how to throw you curve balls

I'm not even too sure where to start, so much has happened over the past couple months I can hardly wrap my head around things.

First thing is that we are moving three provinces over since my hubby received a promotion so we were all set to move and join him and now that will take longer than we wanted. Still don't have a timeline but hopefully after my next appointment we will.

ahh yes, next appointment... this is with a hematologist? Bone marrow transplant team guy...

yep, if you know anything about the Cancer world you would have guessed by now what has happened. I have relapsed. The cancer that ever so nicely went away with my first line chemo has returned. In a new spot, only one area affected thankfully. So it looks like my oncologist had decided that a Stem Cell Transplant is the best chance of getting the cure.

I wont know the whole plan until the 29th of May when I see the new doc, so its just speculate till I see the plan...

really wish I wasn't restarting the blog for this reason