Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Just had my last treatment today!!!

It was a rough one, but we got through it. My veins are so shot it took 9 hours to get it all done... but we did... get it ALL DONE!!

Now I get to recover and enjoy the next month not doing anything. I see my onc december 30 so we can go over my surveillance plan...

gotta love that we are out of the treatment plan!

Well im tired, and my canucks are playing :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

First scare

Well I had my official first scare of treatment.

Friday night I went to bed and noticed it was getting difficult to breathe. It was a very heavy feeling, and well, just plan not right. I mentioned to hubby and said if this doesnt get better, I should get checked out with all the side effects you may encounter from chemo. (Bleo can cause lung damage) And I was concerned with infection, which we would want to catch early.

So we wake up saturday morning and its the same... dammit I feel, guess we really should get this checked out. So we head over to the local emergency where we get to spend the next 3 hours. After talking with the dr., he orders a chest x-ray, lots of bloodwork and an EKG, my heartrate was 118 when I came in.

Good news... everything came back good, even my heart! He checked for blood clots, and kidney function, infections, everything he could think of. But we still have no idea what caused this. He thought it might be viral, which means it will run its course. Advised me to come back in if it got worse or signs of infection developed. Happy to report its getting better. Still not normal, but much better!

So thats was my first, and hopefully my last scare during treatment!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...

but its a dark tunnel to get through still. Thats about how I feel right now. The end is just around the corner, so close I can almost taste it. It just this yucky stuff I need to get through that make the tunnel so dark.

As for my 7th infusion, pretty uneventful compared to last one that I still have a bump from. The Dr. figures its a ruptured vein, and will resolve itself eventually. The problems I did encounter this time were getting my bloodwork done the day before. I had never had bloodwork problem, but she couldn't find a vein and I would not let her at my good side. It needed to be free for the infusion the next day. So she ended up doing a butterfly in my hand, which worked, just a little more painful! Oh, and my infusion took 5.5 hours because we had to wait 45 minutes for the evil drug to arrive! At least my nurse got the vein on the first time and all drugs went in smoothly. We all tell ourselves that we just need my veins to co-operate one more time...


yep, its good to say that...

I will write at another point on the feelings of being close to being done, but not today... im getting tired, and surprisingly there mixed emotions at being done... since sure, im done chemo soon... but am I even actually done cancer? Food for thought...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

3/4 done...

so Im now done my 3rd cycle. I really wish the process got easier each time, but no, with chemo, everything gets worse each time.

Infusion was an event this time. Even my good nurse had problems with veins... not good... we finally found one that was co-operating. Or so we thought. Enter the evil drug, and it starts to hurt. So I mention this and we up the saline. That made it worse... that has never happened, saline is my magical cure all for pain! SO she comes back and shuts the drug off, slows the saline to a crawl, looks at my vein and says its a good vein, but I think its too small for the load. Guess what that means... yep... over to the other arm we go. This is the comical part for me. She left the original IV in my left arm while she put the right one in (with zero problems I may add). So here I am sitting in the chair, hooked up to an IV in each arm! I told her she did a great job of tying me up, I was going nowhere! So after the right side is going, no pain, the left gets disconnected and we are good to go for the next 2.5 hours of the nasty one. I really hate that final drug I tell ya.

So the last 2 infusions have not been as nice side effect wise either. The ickyness has gotten really bad, even nauseous on a day or two. I did try my rescue meds this time around, but I don't think they helped that much. Not as good as the other stuff I get for the day after, thats for sure.

The countdown is one. ONE CYCLE (2 treatments) to go!! I am so ready to be done with it all! I want to wake up with energy, get back to the gym, live my life!!

On a side note, hubby is home on vaca this week and we (read mostly he) are redoing the kids rooms! Got the boys done today, so now its onto the girls room! So much fun :)