Wednesday, August 17, 2011

1 down...

Today was my first chemo... yeah for starting!! As you might be able to tell since i am on the board already it went pretty good. They have me on 3 anti-nauseants and a 4th to take if I get any of that 'breakthrough nausea'. So far my head feels a little foggy and im getting a little tired.

Had a wonderful nurse this morning as well which helped lots. Had some stinging issues with the last drip but then they figured it was more concentrated than they usually do it so just had saline at the same time and all was good.
The nurse said I had enough fluids to last the whole day, lol.

I ate a lite lunch, and hope to eat dinner as well... not really hungry though, probably all the fluid they gave me!

Now I think it may be time to sit back, sip some apple juice for that dry mouth I feel a coming on, and read some of my book.

If I can feel like this all through treatment, im set!!

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