Saturday, August 20, 2011

Quick update

cause thats all I can manage right now. I am still alive and kicking... well, not kicking thats for sure. Holy shit is all I can say about this fatigue! I was expecting to be a little tired... I was not expecting this. I kinda feel like the walking dead. But my mind is there... its up and ready to go and my body is not into responding at all... bummer dude...

On a positive note we had my sons birthday today. It was a nice and small family affair which was perfect. Since apparently me sitting on my ass doing nothing wears me out!! Ok, enough now. We did have a great party, the kids had fun and he got spoiled!

Now... this does get better right? The truck will back off of me at some point?

I sure hope so... goodnight :)


  1. hey babez, i don't know if the truck backs off or not but you do learn to cope better. i am a 32yr old mum of 2 who has just been through 8 cycles of ABVD so i know what you are going through hang in there it does get better.

  2. It does get better! I usually start feeling better about 5 or so days out. Then my second week is awesome, and then it starts all over again. This time was weird. I have chemo on Fridays. I was good Saturday, but then spent yesterday and today pretty much in bed. Chemo-coma for sure. I am so happy to hear that your son had a great birthday party! We are celebrating my little girl's 4th on Saturday. I hope you are starting to feel better now that you are a few days out from treatment!
